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Friday, February 24, 2012

Submission of Information

Thank you for your ongoing feedback and support of The Fifty Co-Op.Please send submissions to

Media for Social Uplift
The origins of this project go back to when I used to trade information with a friend in our mutual effort to become more financially savvy.Over time and partly as a result of my own experiences with unemployment and the trials of people I know who have been unemployed, unexpectedly or otherwise,I made more of an effort to get the word out about opportunities,jobs etc...

We're almost at 1,000 views and I know not all of those are me looking back at old posts. : )

I have received information about some great resources and programs and that adds alot to The Fifty Co-Op as no matter how much research I do, information from contrubutors is always welcome.

A bit of housekeeping....anything with profanity or pictures of you and your boo (or anyone for that matter) going at it will not be posted.

That aside, moving forward The Fifty Co-Op will continue to be a resource for jobs,job training,housing assistance,food assistance,professional development,education and encouragment in general.

My writings will be featured under a few different tags. See below.

The Fifty Co-Op Kitchen
Be Informed
I'm Writing Again

Thank you.

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